So it's been a while. Quite a while. Over a year, actually. And here is why is has been so long: I have been leading a double life. Well, not really. But I have been running two blogs. My other blog, A Bent Piece of Wire, is a fashion blog. It's a lot of fun. However, it's not Operation Indigo. This is the blog where I "take on the tough stuff" and "Bring on the pain" and all those other little slogans you read about on the walls of gyms. So, in the spirit of my doubleosity, I present to you 2: amazing women who led double lives, and the world was better off for it. Even though a lot of people may not know that. :D
Josephine Baker:
So, you've probably heard of her. She is called "The First Black Superstar" and she had a pet cheetah name Chiquita, who wore a diamond collar. She was a singer, and a dancer during the Roaring Twenties in Europe. But did you know that she was also a spy for the French?? And that after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., she was offered the un-official leadership of the civil rights movement? And yet, the thing most people know her for is her famous "Banana Dance". Go figure. She was so good at her job, no one remembers she did it. Click HERE to learn more about this, if I do say so myself, quite fabulous woman.
Julia Childs
America's most beloved chef. She TRAINED Martha Stewart. I mean, she practically INVENTED French cooking. Well, she definitely made it BETTER. This American woman became every ones favorite chef. She wore pearls and high heels in the kitchen, and had smiles to go round. But before she was "Julia CHILD" she was "Julia Child.", an agent with the Office Of Strategic Services, or OSS for short. She supposedly left that all behind after she married her husband, but will any of us really know? Click HERE to read about Julia and her amazing life..You can also check out the film "Julie & Julia" starring Amy Adams and Meryl Streep.
Phew. All this sneaking about while dancing and making Boeuf Bourguignon is making me tired...I don't think I would make a very good I'll just stick to blogging for now :)
Love you all!